In my mind, Osama reminds me of Michael Jackson.
Granted, I have a fairly unique mind, and that sentence has probably never been uttered before, but I think that the sentiment is valid.
He releases new material every now and then; he surprises the world with his dramatic and often dangerous antics; his voice is distinctive, and the majority of the world are slightly worried about what he'll do next.
See? I could be talking about either.
The only different is that one lives in a cave, and the other (ahem) in a rather large novelty ranch-cum-fairground.
I think the reason the USA declared Osama to be Enemy Number 1, was that they were so supremely confident that he could be caught. A man with a beard like that? Going about his terrorist business undetected? I think not.
The USA were rather bargaining on Bin Laden owning his own Afghani restaurant in Kabul, where they could steam in and arrest him; perhaps picking up a couple of Samboosaks to go.
I'm not trying to be too cruel to the USA here, it's the same with Britain; apparently we are caught on camera over 300 times a day in the cities, (except those of us who stay in and browse YouTube 24/7) and so our presence is monitored closely in our own nation. Ask the police where I am at any given point during the day; and they'll probably know.
(I've seen CSI, I know how it works.)
However, when it comes to searching for someone in caves around the Afghan desert; and when it seems most of the Afghan population have abundant facial hair; finding the Big OBL might be a wee-bit tricky.
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