Friday, September 08, 2006

Cuba's Future

Castro, either the heroic thorn in a dastardly superpower's side, or the oppressive and dictatorial leader of a poor and badly-treated population; Castro is the most enduring figure in the western world to this day. Having ruled Cuba for 47 years, over three quarters of the population have known no other leader.

Whatever we can say about him, his revolution and subsequent rule of Cuba has greatly affected the world in which we live in today.

As his health takes a turn for the worse, and he relinquishes power to his brother Raúl, the USA hovers in the wings, waiting for the opportune moment to "suggest" that the nation embraces democracy.

However, is it just me that worries about the kind of democracy that would result? From the way that Western democracies behave, it seems that one small island intent on antagonising the USA could prove fairly useful.

My cynicism bubbles to the surface as I begin to question what the motives behind the suggestions of democracy. Even in his dotage, Castro remains a divisive figure.

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