Wednesday, September 13, 2006

"Death of a President" WILL be found in USA

The new ficticious feature, including the assassination of George Bush in 2007, has been sold to the American "Newmarket films", and so will be distributed in the USA. The film has received a large amount of criticism, and has been labeled "irresponsible" by many conservative critics; however the directer states:

I don't think anyone would get the idea of assassinating Bush from this film
Gabriel Range

Newmarket films, which also distributed The Passion of the Christ, is expected to give the film a wide release over the coming months.

Finally, a gritty and biting look at our post 9/11 world from the liberal viewpoint.


Vigilante said...

I don't know a 'thang' about this flic, Cal.

My first reaction that this film has an incendiary potential. I wouldn't, if I were you, take the word of its director in any assurances to the contrary.

His impulses are only to promote his film.

The assassination of George W. Bush would be a catastrophe of unimaginable consequences. The very idea should not be exploited for entertainment or profit, IMHO.

Unknown said...

I don't think it will suggest that the event would result positively, it's just a voyage into the hypothetical, I belive.

Kentucky Rain said...

I intend to see this movie. While I agree it has incendiary potential so do many of the movies made today. I suspect that those who would be so inclined to assassinate the president were already so inclined. I doubt a movie would plant the idea, but you never know. Let us know if you see it first Cal. I would be interested in your observations.