Monday, September 11, 2006

Banksy's Latest

Banksy strikes again, and love him or hate him...(most liberal Brits love him) his work strikes a chord across the world.
A life size replica of a Guantanamo bay detainee was placed in Disneyland inside the "Big Thunder Mountain Railroad" ride in California. It remained in place for 90 minutes inside the ride, before being taken away.

I don't know about you, but I can't help but smile at Banksy's subversive stunts. Last week, he smuggled 500 faked copies of Paris Hilton's new album, with his own remixes included such as "Why am I famous?" and "What have I done?"

It's hard to spend a day in London without stumbling across a Banksy; whether it's a small stenciled rat on a lamp-post, or an enormous mural of two police officers kissing. He's popular too.. in Bristol, the council wondered what to do about one of his works of art;
The stencilled image, which showed a naked man hanging onto a window ledge, won a 97% approval rating from residents on an internet discussion forum.

Even though it's strictly illegal, many Britains feel that Banksy is exercising our right to free-speech. He daubs what we why not? It also gives character to the metropolis.

AND it pokes fun at the establishment...


Kentucky Rain said...

You Brits sure have your share of lovable weirdos :-)

Unknown said...

We prefer "lovable rogues"