Saturday, September 30, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Sign of the Beast?
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Whatever happened to Papal infallibility?

Just a quick thought, I know that perhaps the Pope's recent verbal-accident wasn't Catholic related, but isn't everything he says supposed to be completely infallible?
Later research told me this: According to the Catholic Church "the Bishop of Rome IS infallible - but only in specific cases."
But someone who has to retract an earlier statement...surely shouldn't be given the responsibility for millions of Catholics? If I were one, I'd rather like my leader to think before saying rather silly things..
On the other hand, he does have a rather nice hat. I have one too, they're half price in Gap at the mo.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Irony Lost...
How did a few Muslims attempt to counter this argument?
By burning an effigy of the pope, and calling for him to be killed. But I'm pretty sure thats the Islamic equivalent to "No hard feelings mate."
Is irony just a Western thing? If someone connected ginger people to violence, I'd march the streets stroking a rabbit; acting in a way that could only be described by the words "aww". Wouldn't that make a more useful statement than this?:

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
"Death of a President" WILL be found in USA

Newmarket films, which also distributed The Passion of the Christ, is expected to give the film a wide release over the coming months.
Finally, a gritty and biting look at our post 9/11 world from the liberal viewpoint.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The New Adventures of SuperCal.
It's going to be better than ever.
There are still the old posts on the old page, but TNAOC holds "the best of" as it were, and I will only be updating this from now on!
Many thanks,
Monday, September 11, 2006
Banksy's Latest
A life size replica of a Guantanamo bay detainee was placed in Disneyland inside the "Big Thunder Mountain Railroad" ride in California. It remained in place for 90 minutes inside the ride, before being taken away.
I don't know about you, but I can't help but smile at Banksy's subversive stunts. Last week, he smuggled 500 faked copies of Paris Hilton's new album, with his own remixes included such as "Why am I famous?" and "What have I done?"
It's hard to spend a day in London without stumbling across a Banksy; whether it's a small stenciled rat on a lamp-post, or an enormous mural of two police officers kissing. He's popular too.. in Bristol, the council wondered what to do about one of his works of art;
The stencilled image, which showed a naked man hanging onto a window ledge, won a 97% approval rating from residents on an internet discussion forum.
Even though it's strictly illegal, many Britains feel that Banksy is exercising our right to free-speech. He daubs what we why not? It also gives character to the metropolis.
AND it pokes fun at the establishment...
Sunday, September 10, 2006
My Favourite Stamp

These were the stamps sent to me on a letter from my Auntie Deb from Iraq during the 90's. I just thought they were priceless, so I kept them. Looking back, I'm surprised her assests weren't frozen for directly funding a terrorist. I suppose stranger things have happened. In case anybody from Mi6 reads my blog, I don't actually say "Yes Saddam".
Friday, September 08, 2006
Paris Arrested for DUI

About time she was arrested, as her entire "career" of television and musical abominations has been, frankly, criminal.
But early on Thursday morning, it is alleged that she was seen driving erratically and pulled over. Then they found traces of alcohol on her breath.
In her own words;
“I was just really hungry and I wanted to have an In-N-Out burger”
Robin Hood Moves with the Times

Sadly I think it might only be us Brits who are honoured with this one; but I'm not the only one who's a little bit excited. Taking the spot that "Doctor Who" took on the Saturday night television schedule, Robin Hood's latest incarnation is hoping to be big down our way.
Anyway, this is what people are saying:
The show, which has been filmed in high definition, is full of the expected swordsmanship, archery, fast-paced action, goodies and baddies - but the story has uncanny parallels with the war on terror and modern politics. In the opening episode, nobleman Robin returns from a war in the Middle East to find Nottinghamshire controlled by an unpopular leader where taxes are heavy and a climate of fear reigns.
"In one episode I say 'we can hold and execute outlaws without trial', which is not far removed from what's happening now," says one of the actors.
Death of a President
Steorn - Perpetually clean energy?
An Irish company have made a substantial claim. That they have found an energy source that does no harm to the environment, and creates contstant "free" energy.
Trouble is, nobody believes them. They have called for scientists to contact them in order to have a 12 man jury to examine the invention. Trouble is, most people don't want that to happen.
I'm sceptical, just like most of the people who have heard of this. However, I haven't seen the invention. The general idea is to use magnets which pull a moving magnet round in a circle. This movement (similar to any kind of dynamo) cuts through the magnetic field, therefore inducing an electrical current. So, in theory, the invention could work.
It's up to you; hopefully you can be more open-minded about it than many others. My only worry is that if the idea turns out to be long is it before hitmen hired by Shell or Texaco come for the inventors?
Where's Osama Bin Hidin?

Granted, I have a fairly unique mind, and that sentence has probably never been uttered before, but I think that the sentiment is valid.
He releases new material every now and then; he surprises the world with his dramatic and often dangerous antics; his voice is distinctive, and the majority of the world are slightly worried about what he'll do next.
See? I could be talking about either.
The only different is that one lives in a cave, and the other (ahem) in a rather large novelty ranch-cum-fairground.
I think the reason the USA declared Osama to be Enemy Number 1, was that they were so supremely confident that he could be caught. A man with a beard like that? Going about his terrorist business undetected? I think not.
The USA were rather bargaining on Bin Laden owning his own Afghani restaurant in Kabul, where they could steam in and arrest him; perhaps picking up a couple of Samboosaks to go.
I'm not trying to be too cruel to the USA here, it's the same with Britain; apparently we are caught on camera over 300 times a day in the cities, (except those of us who stay in and browse YouTube 24/7) and so our presence is monitored closely in our own nation. Ask the police where I am at any given point during the day; and they'll probably know.
(I've seen CSI, I know how it works.)
However, when it comes to searching for someone in caves around the Afghan desert; and when it seems most of the Afghan population have abundant facial hair; finding the Big OBL might be a wee-bit tricky.
Cuba's Future

Castro, either the heroic thorn in a dastardly superpower's side, or the oppressive and dictatorial leader of a poor and badly-treated population; Castro is the most enduring figure in the western world to this day. Having ruled Cuba for 47 years, over three quarters of the population have known no other leader.
Whatever we can say about him, his revolution and subsequent rule of Cuba has greatly affected the world in which we live in today.
As his health takes a turn for the worse, and he relinquishes power to his brother Raúl, the USA hovers in the wings, waiting for the opportune moment to "suggest" that the nation embraces democracy.
However, is it just me that worries about the kind of democracy that would result? From the way that Western democracies behave, it seems that one small island intent on antagonising the USA could prove fairly useful.
My cynicism bubbles to the surface as I begin to question what the motives behind the suggestions of democracy. Even in his dotage, Castro remains a divisive figure.