Monday, May 07, 2007

Jon Ronson...Ron Jonson. Think about it.

I just read an interesting piece in the Guardian's "Weekend" supplement. Jon Ronson described how he once insulted the McCartney family, prompting an unfortunate reprisal from Linda:
"If I hear that Paul McCartney Frog Chorus song coming out of a Tannoy one more time, I'm going to open fire. Mark Chapman truly shot the wrong Beatle."

It was written 16 years ago, and makes a valuable point: cruelty in writing.
Later in the article, Ronson mentions his recent problem with blogger-popularity; it seems they hate him.

Writers find it so much easier to be vicious and hurtful when they suspect that nobody is reading; and when it turns out that unexpected people do read:
"I looked at my webstats..and found a visitor from ronson.***** Immediately I felt like I'd been caught doing something naughty."

Bloggers have a responsibility to give people a fair hearing; it's not on to abuse a personality in the public domain. Just because your user-name is so obscure that only the Police could track you down, this doesn't give the right to abuse those who think differently to you. That said, it only REALLY matters, if somebody's reading. If not, there's nobody to offend, and no damage can be done.

For that reason, here is a list of people I do not like: (hypocritical? me?)
Sir Alan Sugar. (Who actually buys Amstrad phones anyway? Do I WANT to check my emails on my phone? No.)
The Murdoch Family.

David Cameron
(Please refer to the "spork" article)

Oh....and Hugh Hefner.

I can't vouch for Ronson's character. I've read his column a number of times and often a wry smile is found on my face. Taking this into account, I think it would be unfair to judge the man, and offer one piece of advice: change your name to Ron Jonson. I think it's snazzier, and if you googled THAT you'd probably only find references to aging Pornstars and BNP spokespeople.

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