Sunday, May 06, 2007

Election Day

Thursday was local election day, and as I've recently come of age, I was able to post my ballot paper into a steel box which, I assume, was probably lost soon afterwards.

All day I'd thought about my choice... do I stand up for my principles and vote for a party that most definitely wouldn't get in? Or do I vote for the party that provide a stronger opposition for the Conservatives?

Thoughts of decision-making clouded my mind as I walked into my village hall, to cast my vote.

I'd expected the place to be packed full of local people exercising their constitutional right, a right that thousands have died for in the course of history.
But no, it was just me. I guess that's what happens when you vote at 9pm in a small village in England, but it still made me feel self conscious.. I almost shouted at the dour-faced stewards that they could just put me down as Conservative, and I'd just leave...But I stood my ground, and under the reproachful gazes of blue predators, I took my paper to a booth.

I looked at the sheet. I turned it over. I tried to find a second sheet, but nothing. Three choices?!

All day I'd been panicking over the major decision, and when it came down to it, my choices were threefold:

Green Party. (Represented by a boy from my school.)

Liberal Democrat Party
Conservative Party.

I put an X by the only real choice, and plopped it into the ballot-box. A feeling of rebellion and pride swept over me; I'd cast a vote for humanism.

That said, as I walked out of the hall, into the cold, dark air, I bumped into some neighbours of mine, on their way to vote.
"Two of you?" I thought..."One of me?" I looked at the 'Vote Conservative' badges on their lapels.



Vigilante said...

you voted Green?

Unknown said...

Ha, thanks, that brought a smile to my face!

I'm not sure if the Greens won any seats at all...although probably more than Labour.

Liberal's the only way to go.. if you like sunshine, lollipops and all that kind of thing. If you find yourself siding with Sauron or Voldemort in movies, then you're probably Conservative.