Yesterday was my last school lesson ever, my exams start in two weeks, and depending on how I fare in them, it will determine whether university is my next step. If this is the case, I'm hoping to go to Lancaster; for all you non-brits (well, probably just the one) here's a map.

Also this summer, my dad's accepted a job on the remote Scottish island of Iona. You may not have heard of it, but the 5 -square mile isle is world famous as a religious spot, with half a million tourists each year. I'll be spending quite a bit of time up there this summer, helping with the move in. Despite Britain being such a small nation, when I begin my solitary journey home, it will take me on six different modes of transport: a car, two ferries, a bus, a train, a plane and a taxi.
For anybody scratching their head about Iona, here's another map. I'm feeling charitable today.

Oh, and for the rest of the time, I'll be spending my days in the south of England. I'm not going to point that one out, but it's just wear the cloud is, just south of London.
Fine. I'll put up a map.

What with all this moving around, I'm going to be able to write about some interesting places (stop yawning) and I'll put up some videos hopefully, of the emerald isle. Oh no, that's Ireland...well Iona's pretty nice too.
Have a picture, and don't say I never do anything for you..