Friday, August 04, 2006

Colourful Politics

As Israel continues to ravage Lebanon rather like a Doberman in a Children's Teddy Bear Museum, I begin to wonder who it is that is really defending themself.

Israel; on the one hand, were allegedly provoked and attacked with rockets, but also had two soldiers taken. (Everybody seems to disagree from where.)
But on the other hand, soldiers taken during hostilities from either side are often seen as prisoners of war, and can often be returned through peaceful and democratic means.

Lebanon however, although perhaps poking the head of a sleeping doberman with the leg of a teddy-bear*, now seem to be the nation defending itself, as the violence escalates, and puts the Lebanese death count at 900 and the Isreali toll at 62.
However, as the Israeli's maintain: Lebanon started it.

Anyways, as I like to throw in my opinion wherever it's least wanted, Israel's lack of diplomacy, and wildly disproportionate and violent assault against the country of Lebanon and its infrastructure can be explained only one way (rationally, that is)

The Israeli's REALLY don't want Beirut to get the 2016 olympics.

*I refer to an article first read on

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