Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Blair Begins his Holiday

The trouble in the Middle East delayed his holiday, but Tony just couldn't wait to jet off to the Caribbean.
The post-it left on his desk for John Prescott simply states:

"Ahm, sort this Middle East thingy. Please?"
He has asked the UN to find a way of ending the violence:
"get down and get it done without delay" he said, as he stood in the Departure lounge wearing shorts and flip-flops, carrying a large inflatable shark under his arm.
Never fear however, the nation is in the safe hands of John "two jags" Prescott; the man who punched a voter in the face, had an affair in his office and ate a live bat during one of his concerts. Perhaps the last fact was a bit iffy... embellish? moi?

Come to think of it, Ozzy Osborne would perhaps fulfill more leadership criteria than the JP.

Just a thought.

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